William T. Marler bridge

William T. Marler bridge

Friday, July 11, 2014

GOING FISHING Capt. Ben Marler: a Treatise and a Treat

(DESTIN)    The words: Destin, fishing, and Capt. Ben Marler are practically synonymous...for over 50 years Capt. Ben has taught thousands of anglers how to fish for Red Snapper and Groupers while simultaneously teaching them  how to fish for Men, just as Jesus said.  His Dad, Capt. Ben Marler, Sr. started as a net fisherman and built a party boat business that lasted 65 years. Ben's book is a treatise and a treat...featuring fishing lessons, nostalgia, tips, LORAN coordinates to "honey holes," new and vintage photos, recipes and plenty of know how...AND follows his new outdoor adventure which he calls Sign Ministry.  A daily log of his experiences on the weather soaked highways and byways of Okaloosa County, an interesting portrait emerges of a man who will do almost anything to reach the lost, starting on the bridge named after his own grandfather and built by his Dad.  DON'T MISS IT! Available at Amazon.com! GOING FISHING, AMAZON

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